27th September, 2021 - I took the plunge of booking a Royal Enfield 350 Classics - Marsh Grey colour (link). I got the delivery within a weeks time but being out of town could get in my hands only by 9th October.

Yes, finally got "dug dug dug"!
Why Bike? Well, I don't have an answer that is politically correct one. But the reality is, it was an itch that I felt to ride the bike (after a gap of almost 17 years - last time I rode was during the college days) and that too an RE!
Fun fact: I get to put my foot down, without asking my wife while I ride my bike!
Why RE 350 Signals - Well, technically it is a sound bike. It has good road presence - aesthetically and technically. It offers ABS on both the wheels, a much more smooth riding experience with RE best engine and a perfect cruiser for Indian roads.

The beauty and the best (both together)
Along with the bike, I did purchase a decent LS2 modular helmet, RE pair of Level 3 gloves and an RE Level 2 jacket.
Helmet is arguably the most important accessory and I did not want to compromise on it and at the same time did not want to over spend since I am still not super sure how many long tours I will do. And found found LS2 FF902 a good find.
You can check it out at https://openroad.in/product/ls2-ff902-scope-black/
RE level 2 Explorer V3 jacket is what I found good for my purpose. However, let me be honest, so far I have not used it for any of my ride. Getting toast inside (in city traffic like Pune) is an understatement. But I am sure, in coming weeks or months, I will for sure use it.
You can check it out at https://store.royalenfield.com/explorer-v3-jacket-black
One would also need a good pair of gloves (one to protect during the fall and second to keep the hands in the same shape as they are). I got the Rambler V2 in olive green gloves.
You can check them out at https://store.royalenfield.com/rambler-v2-gloves-olive-black-2xl-24cm-olive-black
Further, I realised that it is not comfortable to wear the RE jacket for small rides (in and around city) and especially during the day times. But then I also need some space to hold my phone, wallet and the keys. I thought of a few options like getting a side sling bag or getting a over the tank bag, taking a small bag pack or putting a side or back of the bike bag. But considering various + and -, I eventually got a sleeveless jacket (keeping the day heat in mind) from Decathlon that can hold my mobile phone, wallet and keys.
You can check it out at https://www.decathlon.in/p/8226826/trekking-jackets/mens-trekking-gilet-trek-100-black?id=8226826&type=p.
I continue to wear my Woodlands boots or the standard sports shoes for the rides. Yea, to protect the hands from scorching heat I did buy arm sleeves from Amazon.
For now signing off. More blogs to come that will cover which all places I am exploring within Pune (to start with).